Discount coupons¶
The tab Discount Coupons, is where we can set discounts for our customers.
The basic information you will find here is:
Discount name
Discount code
The size of the discount (percentage or amount)
Number of discount codes to use
From what amount the discount will be available for use
Edit discount code¶
Available options¶
Here is the list of available options with a brief explanation.
- Coupon name¶
The name of the discount coupon. It will not be visible to customers.
- Coupon code¶
The code that the customer will have to enter to get the discount. The coupon code can only contain alpha-numeric characters.
- Discount type¶
Specifies what type of discount the customer will be entitled to.
- we specify the amount that will be deducted from the value of the customer’s order.Percentage
- we specify the percentage that will be deducted from the customer’s order value
Order value, is the amount that the customer must pay for the prints themselves, without additional costs, such as the delivery fee.
- Number of coupons¶
Determines how many coupons will be available. After each use of a coupon, this number will decrease until it reaches 0. Then you will not be able to use the coupon. This field is optional. To avoid entering a limit, leave this field blank.
- Expiration date of the coupon¶
Specifies the date until which the coupon will be valid. The coupon is valid until the end of the day specified in the field. This field is optional. To not enter an expiration date, leave this field blank.
- Minimum order value¶
Specifies whether the order must exceed a certain amount in order to use the discount coupon. This field is optional. To not enter a minimum order value, leave this field blank.
The order value is the amount that the customer must pay for the prints themselves, without additional costs, such as a delivery fee.
- Status¶
Determines whether the discount coupon is available or not.
Coupon active for price lists¶
This option is useful if you use more than one price list group. Price list groups allow you to specify a completely different price list for a selected group of customers.
So if we have more than one price list group, we can choose for which of them the discount coupon will be available.
Adding a discount code¶
Adding a new discount code follows the same principle as editing an existing code.